
Attention all sports clubs!

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Britain has seen a huge growth in sports memberships since hosting the Olympics back in the summer of 2012, with people all over the nation getting active and joining local sports clubs and gyms! With this growth of numbers also came a great number of late payments, ruining the cash flow of gyms and clubs across the country. Here at Interbacs we understand the frustration of late payments, and that’s why we do what we do!

We offer reliable Direct Debit services, which give you a more predictable, and reliable cash flow, as well as saving you time and money! When using our Direct Debit collection services, you can change the frequency and amount as and when you request, which will stop those late payments, and is also perfectly suited to those athletes who can’t make it each week.

Signing customers up to Direct Debit couldn’t be any easier, simply fill in their details into a web portal, hosted by ourselves, and once imported and verified, the Direct Debit collections can start instantly!

The web portal also provides our paperless Direct Debit option, which will reduce your paper handling, and also help you do your bit for the planet!

For more information on Direct Debit Collection Services, give our sales team a call on 08444 127 180 or email

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