
Charity colour run for Tŷ Hafan

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Tŷ Hafan is a Welsh charity, which delivers holistic palliative care to children with life limiting conditions and their families. Support our fundraiser here.

Their work offers a wide range of services for families across Wales. Giving a space to allow tired parents to recharge their batteries, brothers and sisters to play, and children with life limiting conditions live their fullest life.

Since its opening in 1999 Tŷ Hafan has supported 850 families. Their work within the UK is unparalleled to the degree of care and attention they give to each unique case.

The number of families who need Tŷ Hafans help continues to grow. They are seeing a rise in children with increasingly complex conditions who require even more specialist support, in order to meet their needs, the charity must make significant improvements to their facilities and equipment.

Have a look here to see what Tŷ Hafan is all about.

As the number of families who needs Tŷ Hafan grows, as does their need for bigger facilities with more up to date equipment. They are currently raising funds for a large refurbishment and are in need of your help.

At Interbacs, our team agreed that Tŷ Hafan is deserving of more attention, so please give what you can to support a noble cause.

The fundraising event

The Color Obstacle Run combines 20 different obstacles, with 8 different colour stations and 20 music zones, over 5 Kilometers. The event will be held at Aintree racecourse!

Our team ‘Cirque Du Sore Legs’ are looking to be worthy competitors, we know that winning isn’t the objective, but we certainly don’t want to come last!

Last year, we took part in the Rough Runner raising funds for Join the Christie Against Cancer. Raising nearly £900. We want to smash that high-score, and make this the biggest year yet!

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