
Have you considered moving to a specialist Bacs supplier?

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Why would I want to move?

Over the past 18 months Interbacs have experienced a surge in enquiries from businesses looking to switch suppliers; which makes us question, why now?

Firstly, the need to update software to be SHA-2 TLS compliant. We have noticed SMEs and large corporates alike are reconsidering their payment supplier options. We have won deals where Interbacs have proved ourselves to be a transparent and honest business; avoiding sharp business practices. We invoice our customers’ only when you go live, and our sales team are always upfront as to the contract terms and length; offering a 12 or 36 month contract as standard.

What are the benefits of working with a specialist Bacs supplier?

We also receive praise and positive feedback as to how agile our UK based project team are. As part of our Interpay DDMS package Interbacs offer to create web portals for DD sign up, removing the need to source a third party, who often have very little knowledge of the DD process and sign up. Interbacs also have in-house developers available to work on bespoke project, such as a recent project requirement around DD references and the inclusion of invoice numbers and a mutually exclusive authorisation tool.

Alongside the SHA-2 security upgrade many businesses are also reconsidering their solution supplier due to software moving into end of life. This was also a hot topic during 2015 & 2016. We understand many of the smaller specialist Bacs suppliers have cleaned up where Bacs platforms have moved out of support or EOL. Many customers we speak to require a secure, simple and efficient platform which they can rely on to process business critical payments or collections. Interbacs do not move software into end of life. As a customer-centric business we advise, assist and migrate our customers’ to the latest platform, of course, promoting our disaster recovery contingency service and maximising the solution’s capability along the way.

So, have you considered a specialist Bacs supplier? Why not give us a call today by calling 0161 667 0758 or email us at and they will figure out what you need to get set up and tailor a package to your budget and requirements. Or if you prefer take a look at what we have to offer in our InterPay Series.

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