
In the Spotlight - Anaphylaxis Campaign

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I’m Carey Ledford, Membership Manager for the Anaphylaxis Campaign. I’ve been in post 5 years.

Anaphylaxis Campaign is the only UK-wide charity solely supporting people at risk from severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). For over 20 years we have provided information and support of the highest quality to patients and their families.

We work with healthcare professionals, the food industry and pharmaceutical companies to deliver better understanding of allergies and anaphylaxis.

We empower patients, carers and healthcare professionals through our Allergy Wise online training.

We actively campaign for better allergy care and treatments. While it would be unrealistic to imagine that there would ever be a cure for severe allergies, our aim is that there should no longer be any preventable deaths from people at risk.

We’re about to launch a really important campaign aimed at young people with severe allergies, designed to ensure that they carry their life-saving adrenaline injectors with them at all times. While the number of deaths from anaphylaxis annually is not enormous compared to other conditions such as cancer and heart conditions, it is absolutely tragic when anyone dies from their allergies, when this might have been prevented.

We have an active membership of about 5000 individuals and families in the UK, and about 500 professional healthcare members. Most of our members pay their annual subscriptions to the Campaign by Direct Debit, and we find this much the most effective way of obtaining this vital financial support for our work.

Our Interbacs Direct Debit sign up process has been designed so that it looks identical to our own webpages, which makes it a completely seamless process for our members to join.

We’ve always found the team at Interbacs helpful and friendly to work with, so we’d have no hesitation in recommending them to others. Join us and find out more:

Interbacs are very pleased to be able to offer our services to Anaphylaxis Campaign and support their Bacs and Direct Debit payment management requirements.

For more information on our Bacs & Direct Debit payment solutions, contact us via or call us on 08444 127 180.

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