
Is a Bacs payment protected?

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Is Bacs safe?

The short answer is: yes. Very! Bacs is one of the safest ways for businesses to make and collect payments. It has been ever since it was introduced in the UK back in 1968. Nowadays, Bacs payments have become a by-word for secure electronic payments.

No fewer than 130 billion Bacs payments have been made worldwide. As astonishing as that is, what’s more amazing is that Bacs has never misplaced a payment.

Bacs uses an SSL encrypted system, known as Bacstel-IP, to protect all of its data and users. The system requires a secure, encrypted password to gain access and is closely monitored around the clock.

Bacs payment instructions can be issued up to 30 days before a payment is due to be taken. These payment instructions can be recalled as long as the bank is notified before a specific cut off time. This is usually a few days before the payment is due to be made. After this time, payments cannot be recalled.


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Are bank transfers safe for buyers

Again, the answer is a resounding: yes!

Bacs bank transfers are extremely safe for your customers. Firstly, only approved organisations can collect Direct Debit payments, either independently or through a heavily vetted Bacs Approved Bureau or Facilities Management Provider, like Interbacs.

Bacs Approved providers like us are closely monitored by the banking industry, Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Bacs itself to ensure the efficiency and security of all our Bacs payment solutions and processes.

Plus, the Direct Debit Guarantee protects customers in the rare event that an error is made in the payment of a Direct Debit or in the even rarer case that a fraudulent Direct Debit payment is made.

Typically, the worst that might happen is a payment taken on the wrong date or an incorrect amount is collected. In which case, the customer is entitled to receive a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from their bank or building society.

As part of the Direct Debit Guarantee, you are responsible for notifying customers about any changes to the amount, date or frequency of a Direct Debit in advance of their account being debited.

You will normally be expected to give notice within 10 working days of any potential changes. This adds another layer of protection and if a customer wants to terminate their Direct Debit, they can do so at any time by contacting their bank or building society and preferably giving you and your business notice of their intention to cancel.


Finding the right payment solution for you

Knowing the payment solution that will bring the most benefits to your business can be difficult. With so many options to choose from, landing on the correct choice can be tough.

That's where our Solution Finder can help. By answering a few simple questions, we can show you the best payment process for your business.

If you want to never chase another payment again, the Solution Finder is the best place to start.

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