
What information is needed for Bacs payment?

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What is a Bacs payment?

Bacs payments are bank-to-bank transfers covering incoming payments from customers and outgoing payments you make to other organisations. If you're wondering what information is needed for Bacs payment, we’ll cover the details in this guide. These are called Direct Debits and Direct Credits respectively. Bacs payments have been the preferred payment method for companies nationwide since their inception in 1968. To this day they provide a convenient, reliable and cost-effective method of making and collecting payments.

Direct Debits

To collect Direct Debit payments from customers, all but the biggest businesses will need to submit payment data (including bank account numbers, sort codes, dates and amounts) using a Bacs Approved Bureau if they have a Bacs Service User Number (SUN) or a Facilities Management Provider if not. This data is sorted into payments to all the listed payment service providers and transmitted to each institution. The data gets downloaded into their systems, debited from the customers' accounts and then credited to yours.

Direct Credits

To make a Bacs Direct Credit payment, you’ll need your payee’s account number and sort code. Understanding what information is needed for Bacs payment ensures smooth and efficient transactions. You submit your payment data (which includes much of the same information needed for a Direct Debit) to your chosen Bureau or Facilities Management Provider. The data is then sorted and transmitted to each of the relevant payment service providers. It is then downloaded into their systems, applied to the customers' accounts and debited to yours. Both processes are simple and efficient, taking less than three days from start to finish.

Interbacs can streamline your Bacs payments

Interbacs is one of the most experienced Bacs Approved Bureau and Facilities Management Providers in the business. We bring every one of our 30 years of collective industry experience to the fore with a wealth of first-class Bacs payment solutions designed to make your Bacs payment processes more efficient. Outsourcing the management of your Bacs payments can free up your time to focus on key deliverables and grow your business, while we take care of all the necessary Bacs details.

Our high-quality Bacs Approved Bureau service eliminates mundane and repetitive processing tasks, delivering substantial time and cost savings in the process. When you choose our Bacs Bureau service, your business stands to benefit from the support of a Bacs trained support team, branded mandates, tailor-made training and guaranteed Bacs compliance. Best of all, your payments clear directly into your bank account.

Meanwhile, Our Direct Debit Facilities Management service offers equally high levels of Bacs qualified support, training and advice for small and medium-sized businesses, sole traders, starters and charities that can’t obtain their own SUN. As well as enjoying many of the priceless benefits of our Bureau service, you will also be allotted a unique Service User Number that enables your business name and logo to appear on customer bank statements.

Save time and money with reliable, professional, and innovative payment solutions and services from Interbacs. If you need guidance on what information is needed for Bacs payment, our team is here to help. For more information about any of our products or services, please contact us on 08444 127 180.

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