
What is Bacs Payment Software? (Bacstel IP)

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Bacstel IP Software is quick and easy to use, and perhaps the most important benefit is that it is secure. In this article, Interbacs provides an overview of 'What is Bacs payment software?' in particular Bacstel IP software and outlines which businesses would require it and how to access it. B2B payments in the UK are expected to reach 154 billion by 2030, so understanding how to utilise Bacs payment software is crucial.


What Does Bacs Stand For?

Bacs stands for "Bankers' Automated Clearing Services." It's like the behind-the-scenes workings of the banking world, making direct debits and credit transactions happen seamlessly. Imagine you've got bills to pay, or you're waiting for your salary to hit your account - Bacs ensures those transactions move smoothly between banks in the UK. It's been around since the '60s, quietly handling billions of pounds worth of transactions every day. 


What is Bacs Payment Software? (Bacstel IP)

Bacstel-IP software is a secure delivery channel used by organisations to submit direct debit and direct credit payments directly into the UK Bacs system. The software enables users to import credit or debit files from anywhere in the UK. This can include vendor payment files, payroll or customer direct debit files.


Who is Bacstel IP software designed for?

The only organisations that can access Bacstel-IP are known as direct submitters. They can originate payments, create payment files and submit payment files to Bacs. Interbacs hold Direct Submitter status. Opposite to this is indirect submitters. These organisations or individuals are forced to use banks or other commercial bureau organisations, such as ourselves, to submit payments.

Some of the key features of Bacstel-IP include:

  • - Adheres to strict security guidelines
  • - All payment data is validated against the Industry Sort Code Directory (ISCD)
  • - Errors and data inconsistencies within credit and debit files are identified
  • - BACS files are easily transmitted, and BACS reports received directly into Bacstel-IP


How can you access Bacstel-IP?

There are two ways to access the Bacstel-IP software channel. They are through the use of:

  • - Bacs approved software - Interbacs are one of 18 Bacs approved software providers in the UK. For an organisation to have the capability and approval to access Bacs’ Bacstel-IP secure access channel, it must meet the demands of rigorous testing. See Interbacs’ Bacs Software Solutions for more information on how we can help you.
  • - Bacs approved Bureau - Click here for more information about Bacs.


Benefits of using a Bacs approved software provider?

There are many great benefits of using bacs approved software to manage your payments through the Bacstel-IP software. Some of the most common include:

  • - Secure Payments
  • - Improved Cash Flow
  • - Time and Cost Savings
  • - Greater Accuracy
  • - Full Visibility of your payments.

Why choose interbacs to be your direct submitter

Interbacs is a Bacs approved bureau that is leading the market when it comes to managing bacs payments and as a facilities manager. We have been Bacs approved since 2013, supporting businesses regardless of size with their financial challenges. We combine 30 years of experience to deliver BACS software solutions like no other, offering a friendly, reliable and professional approach.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you save time and money on your payment solutions.

If you're looking for a way to streamline your direct debit payments from a committed organisation that prioritises secure services, check out our Bacs-approved software solution Interpay today.

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