
What is a Debit Payment System?

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Setting up payment options for your customers can seem like a daunting task at first. Unless some customer research has been done, it’s tricky to know exactly how your potential customers like to make debit payments for goods and services. 

Put simply, a debit is a payment taken from your customers for using your products and can be completed manually or through automation. Official statistics show that consumer spending was up during Q2 from April–June of this year, reflecting 0.2% growth in household spending. 

This refers to all consumer spending, but as the second most popular debit payment system, Direct Debits take up a large portion. In fact, the monthly Direct Debit average transaction amount for the UK was £102.77 in October 2024, up from £100.21 the previous year. 

It’s becoming increasingly clear for customers that Direct Debit payment systems are easy to navigate and reassuring to use. This is also true for businesses, particularly those that partner with a Direct Debit managed services provider. This service takes away the hassle from organisations that struggle to process payments by leveraging automation for increased accuracy. 

In this article, we’re exploring exactly what is a debit payment system, the key benefits of Direct Debit management services and how Direct Debit management software streamlines your payment processes. 



  • What is a debit payment system?
  • Are Direct Debits suitable for all types of payments?
  • What are the rules about Direct Debit information storage?
  • Streamlined Direct Debit services with Interbacs.

What is a debit payment system?

A debit payment system is a process of collecting debits (payments) from customers who are paying for goods or services and crediting a service provider with these revenues. 

There are many examples of debit payment systems, such as debit cards or standing orders. These help consumers to use funds drawn directly from their bank account to make purchases. When using debit cards, customers can sign, use a PIN or make a contactless payment. 

Standing orders are another way for customers to make debit payments. These are automated payments from a customer to a service provider. However, customers control standing orders and can change or cancel them without letting you, the service provider, know.

Direct Debits are a little different in that the customer authorises the payment but the service provider decides how much the payment will be and how often this transaction will occur. 

As long as you give the customer advance notice of any changes so they can ensure enough money is in their account before the payment is taken, then you can make reasonable adjustments to this payment. 


Are Direct Debits suitable for all types of payments?

In truth, Direct Debits are so flexible that they can be used for a wide range of payments, such as one-off transactions, irregular payments, or those that leave the customer’s account on the same date each month. 

It can be difficult to arrange single payments or adjust payment instructions for other systems. In contrast, agility within the Direct Debit system with advance notice means that customers can add or take away goods or services and you can alter payment scheduling to suit customer needs. 

Some consumers may worry if they don’t have complete control over the payments leaving their account. However, the major advantage that Direct Debit has over many other payment systems is that customers have access to the Direct Debit Guarantee. 

This guarantee ensures they are protected if an error is made in their Direct Debit payment as this will then result in a refund. Direct Debit payments are a key benefit for businesses as their clients feel assured they won’t be incorrectly charged for goods or services, building trust and confidence.

Many enterprises work with Direct Debit managed services to organise and maintain their Direct Debit payment collection. What are Direct Debit managed services? This service involves a Direct Debit service specialist arranging and regulating your customers’ payments to ensure you are compliant and receiving the correct revenues. 


What are the rules about Direct Debit information storage?

Direct Debit customer information has to be kept confidential. In addition, you’re required by your sponsoring bank to manage accurate Direct Debit records as these are evidence in the event of any inquiry or dispute. They are also proof of the ways you align with compliance regulations. 

Organisations have to keep copies of customer Direct Debit instruction forms, transaction records and customer correspondence related to their Direct Debit payments. If you’re working with a Direct Debit management service, they will collate and keep this information accurately so that you can refer to it when necessary. 

Consulting Know Your Customer guidance is helpful as you have to ensure you collect accurate customer information, such as a valid proof of identity and address. Keeping these details up to date is essential for the precise management of your entire Direct Debit payment system process. 


Streamlined Direct Debit payment systems with Interbacs

Partnering with us at Interbacs to manage your payment systems gives you complete peace of mind without losing control over your financial streams. We are experienced in handling Direct Debit payment systems so you don’t have to be burdened with the administration involved. 


There are multiple advantages to working with us, including the fact that Interbacs Direct Debit solutions greatly improve your cash flow. Streamlining your collection process can smoothen the customer journey with effortless sign up processes and performance solutions.

We can help you get Direct Debit payments up and running successfully in no time.

Why not visit our Solutions Finder to discover more so we can support you in growing your business.

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